Forum › INTERNATIONAL FORUM › Trip to Scandinavia in a 1968 S2a Lightweight
- Detta ämne har 11 svar, 1 deltagare, och uppdaterades senast 2010-10-03 17:39 av .
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- 2010-05-06 kl. 19:57 #6414
[Originally posted by Bog Hog]
I`m Andy and i`m from Yorkshire in Northern England, a friend who is also a member of this forum suggested that i join it when i told him i would be traveling to Scandinavia this summer so i hope you will not be offended that my first post is a request for help/information.
I`m planning a trip to Nordkapp this summer in my 1968 S2a Lightweight, the intention is to drive north through Norway to Nordkapp and then back down through Finland & Sweden.
Could anyone offer advise on the following;
1 Places where i could get spare parts if i need them? ( i will carry some spare parts with me but it is always the part you do not have that breaks ).
2 Places to visit?.
3 Routes, driving will be a big part of this trip so any help on roads which are fun to drive or have really good scenery would be great as well as any roads that are not so good to drive?.
4 Are there any shows or events that i could go to as part of the trip?.
5 Any general advise?Hopefully if i`ve done this right there should be a couple of pictures of the Landrover i will be driving, they were taken a Christmas, it`s not often that we get snow in December so i had to have a play
Thank you.
Andy.2010-05-10 kl. 09:02 #6415[Originally posted by boostofta]
Getting parts in northern Sweden will not be the easiest thing, not sure about Norway and Finland
But if you have the possiblety to log on to this forum, just send your question here and people will help you out.
Since the international forum isn’t the most visited part of the forum, I suggest you post in the series forum. English will be just finePlaces to visit…. To much to write down just like that
The scenery in northern Norway at the coast is priceless. But that’s my opinion
It takes a lot of time though, more or less all the roads in norway bend a lot, much more then seen on th emap, so when calculating the route, add 30-50% extra mileage to cover all the bends, but it is an amazing country to drive in.2010-05-10 kl. 09:50 #6416[Originally posted by Anders Karlsson] has many suggestions, the website is also in English, choose in the upper right corner. Swedish Television had a programme some time ago about Norwegian authorities letting norwegian artists design spectacular rest areas along the roads. There were also downloadable GPS routes for various areas. You should be able to get that info off the site. I have also found some routes available for TomTom GPS.
The norwegian Land Rover club has its 35th anniversary this summer, check You can find info about the Swedish summer meet on this website.
I did the fast track to Nordkapp 2005 with my Disco 2, driving north along the eastcoast, passing thru Finland and Kautokeino to Alta in Noway and up. Went back via Narvik to Kiruna, then road 45 south. As mentioned, it takes much longer to travel than expected. E.g. the 500 km from Alta to Narvik took a good day due to reindeer crossing, waterfall over the road, winding roads and of course unbelievable scenery…
Some tips: Always fuel up before leaving… E.g. I heard they closed the gas station in Björkliden halfway between Narvik and Kiruna. I had problem since I didn’t fuel up before the Finnish border, the first station had problem charging credit cards. Kautokeino was no problem. Norway has "hytter", small low standard cabins you can rent cheap. Could be an alternative to camping.
2010-05-11 kl. 13:39 #6417[Originally posted by Bog Hog]
Thank you for your replies.
The link to the Norwegian landrover club will be very usefull
I have looked for the Swedish Rally on this site, is it the `Sommarmote` listed in the main forum? also do i need to book tickets for this or can i just pay at the gate on the weekend of the rally?
My landrover has 2 x 45L tanks = 90L this should give a range of between 400 – 500km between gas stations do you think this will be enough or should i carry `jerry` can as well, space is a problem so i don`t want to carry extra if i don`t need it?
Hopefully we won`t be camping all the time, in Norway the `Hytte` are often cheaper than camping on larger camp sites also setting up camp and then packing it up in the morning wastes a lot of time that should be spent enjoying the trip.
The original intention had been to travel during June and the beginning of July but we can`t get a ferry until the 3rd week in june so everything has been put back a few weeks although this may mean that we may be able to start at Brevvik near Oslo and get the ferry from Goteborg for the return, doing this should mean we could attend the Swedish Landrover Rally.Thank you.
Andy.2010-05-11 kl. 13:56 #6418[Originally posted by Anders Karlsson]
Yes, you can see the logo for the summer meeting. Send a PM to someone there and they can tell you about payment.
I guess you can check for the Norwegian summer meet as well then, I think it is some weeks before ours.
40-50 Swedish miles (400-500 km) should be ok. Most gas stations have location maps, e.g. Norwegian Statoil, Hydro, just google.
I think I saw an article in Land Rover monthly about someone doing an Arctic circle tour with a SIII, I’ll see if I can find it, so you have a ref. There were some useful links/tips in it.
Let me know when you’re getting close to Gothenburg, we could meet for a coffee.
2010-05-11 kl. 17:11 #6419[Originally posted by Bog Hog]
Thank you for your help Anders.
That coffee sounds like an excellant idea , i`m assuming Gothenburg & Goteborg is two different spellings for the same town.
2010-05-12 kl. 17:58 #6420[Originally posted by runes]
If you are driving back the eastern root across Finland.
you can contact me if you need help.Rune Särs
2010-07-24 kl. 15:06 #6421[Originally posted by Bog Hog]
Hello, sorry it`s been a while since my last post, the trip has gone very well as far as the landrover is concerned but the internett has been a nightmare so i`ve kept it for emergancies only, currently at norwegian klubb rally in Numedal & they have free internett so i`m ok for the moment.
Could someone give me the contact details for a B&B i saw advertised on this site before i set off on this trip, i`ve tried to re-find it but can`t.
Its called `Ullareds garden B&B` and from what i remember it is aprox 70km from Goteborg which is where i need to take the ferry on friday so 2-3 days there relaxing before i go home would be great.If the offer of a meet up and a coffee is still on when i get near Goteborg that would be most welcome.
2010-07-24 kl. 19:13 #6422[Originally posted by boostofta]
The man your seeking is Tord, contact details as follows,
Ullared Hagaberg 407
Post number:
310 60
0046 346-36200cellphone:
2010-07-25 kl. 10:02 #6423[Originally posted by Bog Hog]
Thank you.
I`ll give him a call when i get near Sweden.
2010-08-08 kl. 14:35 #6424[Originally posted by Bog Hog]
The trip is over now, amazingly there were no real mechanical problems just 1 blown fuse and a problem with the headlight switch overheating.
I`d like to thank all of you for the help and hospitality i have been shown both on the forum and during the time i spent in Sweden, the warm welcome i received in both Sweden and Norway turned a good trip into a great one.
I`ll post a write up of the trip when i get time but in the meantime here`s a couple of photo`s one from the top and one from the bottom of Scandinavia.
All the best
2010-10-03 kl. 17:39 #6425[Originally posted by Bog Hog]
Here`s a slideshow of some of the pictures, hopefully i should get a write up done in a week or so.
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