Forum › INTERNATIONAL FORUM › Series meeting Sweden
- Detta ämne har 13 svar, 1 deltagare, och uppdaterades senast 2010-03-03 20:58 av .
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- 2010-01-14 kl. 12:00 #6477
[Originally posted by Bugeye]
First of all my apologies that I write to you in English but I don’t speak any Swedish. My name is Carl, live near Brussels and I own, since 1989, a 1968 109SIIA SW. It was my very first car and,for the moment, my daily driver(100% restored though)…We would like to come to Sweden this summer so I’m looking for a nice Series(only if possible) meeting somewhere in Sweden or Norway. We like laning, BBQ, camping,…I’ve only been once to Sweden(work related) so haven’t seen much of your beautiful country but what I saw was already very nice!
ps. I’ve started a Flemish/Dutch Series forum nearly a year ago; for those interested… (we all(well nearly…) speak English).
2010-01-16 kl. 16:47 #6478[Originally posted by Bugeye]
No Series meetings?
2010-01-16 kl. 17:04 #6479[Originally posted by pescatore]
I bealive this club fokus on offroad and newer Land/Rangerovers.
Try this Danish forum, they have series meetings and nice ones to: kl. 17:45 #6480[Originally posted by Bullorg]
That is a totaly wrong answer this club focuses on the brand Land Rover not on it’s spesific modells.
It is not an offroad club. Many members use their car to go offroad but we have a lot of non offroaders as well.
So a Series only meeting is harder to find in this club.
There are of course meetings taking place this summer.
Perhaps sombody can help you whit dates and place.A small tip to help you screen the answers is to se if it’s a member of the club that answers or just a forum member.
Its ion the right side SLRK Medlemsnr: that means member number.2010-01-16 kl. 19:12 #6481[Originally posted by Klappmarkarn]
I think a Series meeting would be a great idea!
Maybe a bit of off roading followed by some beer and BBQ?
2010-01-16 kl. 20:09 #6482[Originally posted by Bugeye]
Klappmarkarn skrev:I think a Series meeting would be a great idea!Maybe a bit of off roading followed by some beer and BBQ?
Sounds good to me, count me in!
2010-01-17 kl. 19:22 #6483[Originally posted by Klappmarkarn]
How far north are you going? I live in Umeå where we have the now abandoned training grounds of the 20:th infantry regiment. Lots of trails and mud to get stuck in
2010-01-18 kl. 12:22 #6484[Originally posted by Bugeye]
Umea? Oh that’s just 2160km … FuelType=0
Don’t know yet, pending on time and cash.
2010-01-27 kl. 18:44 #6485[Originally posted by Bugeye]
Well, the idea is that we have a Series meeting in Belgium (probably 9-11th of July) and travel in group to Denmark & Sweden.
2010-03-02 kl. 14:31 #6486[Originally posted by Bugeye]
So after our Belgian Series meeting (9-11th of July) we go north and probably there will be a Series meeting 16-18th of July near Copenhagen…So wk 29&30 we’re in Sweden with another Belgian couple…
2010-03-02 kl. 15:21 #6487[Originally posted by LEIF #3183]
Week 29 the Norwegian Land Rover Club has it’s annual meeting (Monday-Sunday), not very far from Oslo.
Week 31 the Swedish Land Rover Club has its annual meeting in Skåne, the very south of Sweden.
There is a series club in the south-west of Sweden ’GBLR’. I think you can reach them via
2010-03-02 kl. 15:22 #6488[Originally posted by 1953 Lars Larsson]
And you will be there to visit onkeln?
2010-03-03 kl. 20:10 #6489[Originally posted by LEIF #3183]
@Lars. Yes, I’ll be there from Thursday. If you will be there I’ll show you ’Plutten’!
2010-03-03 kl. 20:58 #6490[Originally posted by 1953 Lars Larsson]
I’ll be there for sure.
Same procedure as every year.
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