Sankey tent trailer towed by a LR130CC head north…

Forum INTERNATIONAL FORUM Sankey tent trailer towed by a LR130CC head north…

Many of us are fluent in English, some German, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Finnish etc. You are welcome to write in whichever language you use daily, however writing in English, you will get a quicker response
  • Detta ämne har 32 svar, 1 deltagare, och uppdaterades senast 2009-01-06 23:55 av .
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  • #6506
    SLRK Forum

      [Originally posted by Arlo Guthry]


      last year in August, it was my very first time to meet people from Scandinavia at the SLRK gathering in Oknö, and of course the first time to be impressed of the wonderful landscape…

      This year from July, 26th until August, 17th I plan to discover more scenic places including the gathering near Falun.

      It will be great for me, if there is any fellow who will be so kind to send me information were I should go for a big loop touring the southern part of Sweden.

      My favorite interests are Canoing, Camping, graveled roads, calm places, some hiking …

      I’m not interested in mosquito :D and hard core off-roding.

      My 300 TDi engine runs on vegetable oil (rape oil). Is there any chance to buy this for less money in huge bottles somewhere at hidden shops?



      SLRK Forum

        [Originally posted by Edfors]

        Sometimes the stores has vegetable oil in 10 litre bottles, but price is normally about same as diesel, 14 SEK per litre. There is one store in Falun and you see the rest on the map. There are possibly other similar stores but this is the one I could think of now. After pressing the dot for the store you want to visit, press the button "Visa karta" and you get location shown on a map.

        Well, it will be difficult to avoid mosquitoes during this time of year, so be prepared. The summer SLRK meet will probably have lots of the blood suckers :twisted:

        SLRK Forum

          [Originally posted by Arlo Guthry]

          Hi Edfors,

          thanks a lot for your quick response! :wink:

          14 SEK per liter diesel or vegetable oil either? It will make sense to bring a lot of the stuff to Sweden, doesn’t it?

          I have nearly 1000 liters in stock, bought for about 10 SEK/l (calculated with an exchange rate from 10 SEK for one Euro)

          Can you tell me more about the preparation against mosquito?

          Last year at Oknö I felt very comfortably: no bloody sucker all over the place!

          But I was told that there will be even more inside the country, specially in the lake districts.

          Would you like to recommend a special repellent ?


          SLRK Forum

            [Originally posted by 1953 Lars Larsson]

            Right now, or rather last Monday, the price in 1 litre bottles at Lidl shops was 11.99. The last time I filled diesel – 14,80.

            So now I have 90 litres of rapeseed oil to mix. The guy standing behind me in line looked a loiitle puzzled, but the cashier maintained a stiff upper lip.

            Be prepared that the price will go up…

            BTW, spoke a few words with you at Oknö, your web page of the trailer build has long been in my Favourites file. :wink:

            As for mosquitos, yes find yourself some repellant, "AUTAN" sold in pharmacies here is rather good. "MYGGA" is another brand. And keep your tent open as little as possible in the evenings…

            SLRK Forum

              [Originally posted by Johannes]

              Moin Kutte,

              bei dem Preis hier für Rapsöl lohnt sich der Spass kaum. Du kannst bei den bekannten Billigmarken (Lidl, Aldi) schon was bekommen, nur, wohin mit dem ganzen Plasitkmüll???

              Bei Fragen: PM oder e-mail.



              SLRK Forum

                [Originally posted by Arlo Guthry]

                Moin Lars,

                1953 Lars Larsson skrev:Right now, or rather last Monday, the price in 1 litre bottles at Lidl shops was 11.99. The last time I filled diesel – 14,80.

                So now I have 90 litres of rapeseed oil to mix. The guy standing behind me in line looked a loiitle puzzled, but the cashier maintained a stiff upper lip.

                Be prepared that the price will go up…

                BTW, spoke a few words with you at Oknö, your web page of the trailer build has long been in my Favourites file. :wink:

                As for mosquitos, yes find yourself some repellant, "AUTAN" sold in pharmacies here is rather good. "MYGGA" is another brand. And keep your tent open as little as possible in the evenings…

                I will bring enough of my veggy oil… :lol:

                for more informations about my Sankey you might have a look at:


                To have a look at the pictures and drawings you need to be a member of this forum too; it’s the same way as for this forum. No worries! 8)

                And there are several more Sankey threads listed!!!

                I will bring a family box of Autan. Mygga sounds great, I’ll have a look for it!

                Hope we’ll meet us at the SLRK gathering in August!



                SLRK Forum

                  [Originally posted by Arlo Guthry]

                  Moin Johannes,

                  Johannes skrev:Moin Kutte,
                  bei dem Preis hier für Rapsöl lohnt sich der Spass kaum. Du kannst bei den bekannten Billigmarken (Lidl, Aldi) schon was bekommen, nur, wohin mit dem ganzen Plasitkmüll???
                  Bei Fragen: PM oder e-mail.

                  wieso Kutte?

                  ist das Kurt auf Schwedisch? :lol:

                  Ich hatte vor langer Zeit einmal gelesen, dass es spezielle Läden geben soll, die aber rein äußerlich nicht als solche zu erkennen seien, von außen sehen sie wie normale Wohnhäuser aus, aber im Inneren erstreckt sich die Verkaufsfläche über mehrere Etagen. Zumeist werden diese Läden von eingewanderten Nichteuropäern betrieben.

                  Hast du davon schon einmal etwas gehört, oder ist das einfach nur eine wüste Story?

                  Ich finde den Artikel leider nicht mehr wieder… :evil:

                  Ist das eigentlich ok, dir auf deutsch zu antworten? Ich meine für die Mitlesenden ist das eher unkomfortabel? :lol:

                  Bin ja noch gaanz frisch hier, möchte daher nicht negativ in Erscheinung treten…



                  SLRK Forum

                    [Originally posted by Edfors]

                    Nein, es ist nicht Kurt in Schwedisch, es ist nur Johannes, Witze mit Ihnen.

                    Ich habe noch nie davon gehört diese Läden.

                    Wenn Sie schreiben in Deutsch, dauert es länger, um die Antworten, mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut, wie es sein sollte. Aber keine harten Gefühle.

                    SLRK Forum

                      [Originally posted by Arlo Guthry]

                      Hey Edfors,

                      Edfors skrev:Nein, es ist nicht Kurt in Schwedisch, es ist nur Johannes, Witze mit Ihnen.

                      Ich habe noch nie davon gehört diese Läden.

                      Wenn Sie schreiben in Deutsch, dauert es länger, um die Antworten, mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut, wie es sein sollte. Aber keine harten Gefühle.

                      thanks for your response!

                      I wrote a PM to Johannes, but got no response yet! :roll:

                      Well, I’ll try to use English language instead of German in future for sure, but I hopefully will try to mix Swedish language into my postings the more you and other members will be able to teach me Swedish items! :D

                      " Hey" I learned by reading the Jean Francois thread, now I’m sure Kutte is not the Swedish word for Kurt…

                      it will only take a few decades or a little bit more to speak Swedish language like you! Btw: I’m able to read and understand your German language! Now worries… you’re welcome! :!:

                      If there are any questions about the Sankey thread I posted in the German forum, please let me know.

                      I hope you will accept my "Moin" instead of "Hey" and "Tschüß" instead of "best regards"?

                      Semper fidelis


                      SLRK Forum

                        [Originally posted by Edfors]

                        Arlo Guthry skrev:I hope you will accept my "Moin" instead of "Hey" and "Tschüß" instead of "best regards"?

                        Semper fidelis

                        No probs! But Hey in swedish should be spelled "Hej!" :wink:

                        Hej Kurt!

                        Välkommen till Svensk Land Rover Klubbs forum :)

                        SLRK Forum

                          [Originally posted by Arlo Guthry]

                          Edfors skrev: Hej Kurt!

                          Välkommen till Svensk Land Rover Klubbs forum :)

                          Hej Edfors!

                          Thanks a lot to send me the välkommen till Svensk Land Rover Klubbs forum! :D :D :D

                          I hope you and other members of the forum will enjoy my contributions I will send from time to time…

                          Btw: how to post a picture? I have to load it to the web and then copying the link listed there, by using the Img-button twice?

                          No browse function available yet?



                          SLRK Forum

                            [Originally posted by Edfors]

                            You must not use the Quick reply box, but use the "antwort erstellen" button.

                            Then, just under the text box you have Add image to post, there you can browse and upload your picture. Please don’t use more pixels than about 800×600. When you press Upload the code will be added to your post.

                            I assume you have the Board-Sprache in Deutch, otherwise you can change on your Profil.

                            SLRK Forum

                              [Originally posted by Arlo Guthry]

                              just switched over to German language:

                              same result: no quickly reply box, only the Antwort erstellen box is available without the possibility to add an image to my post!

                              That’s the reason I posted my question.

                              May be I made a mistake when enrolling?

                              SLRK Forum

                                [Originally posted by Edfors]

                                Don’t you have the little blue link, just under the text box, for "Add image to post", when clicking on this you get a pop-up window for browsing and uploading image.

                                SLRK Forum

                                  [Originally posted by Arlo Guthry]

                                  Hej Edfors,

                                  there is no small blue link "Add image to post" available!

                                  I’m using the Mozilla Firefox, maybe I should use IE?

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