Forum › TEKNIK › Ninety, OneTen & Defender › Defender (1999-2006) TD5-Storm, 3.9L V8 › Oil Pump Bolt
- Detta ämne har 7 svar, 2 deltagare, och uppdaterades senast 2021-02-23 21:53 av .
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- 2021-02-20 kl. 06:48 #79819
Hello everyone, hope your well and safe.
Can I get your advice please. I just read about the issues with the oil pump bolt coming lose on the TD5. After 5 mths I am slowly getting my 2002 Defender 90 to a level of service I am happy with. Now I am worried about the oil pump bolt issue. The 90 has done 211,000 KMS. I read many forums say drop the sump and loctite the bolt, any thoughts? Also some people recommend changing the cam chain and tensioners on high milage TD5s. My friend tells me to leave it alone and fix it when it goes wrong, but that seems an expensive approach to me.
All the Best Michael (I can read Swedish, but not write it sorry)
- Detta ämne redigerades för 4 år sedan av .
2021-02-20 kl. 07:16 #79825att vänta tills det händer nåt håller jag med om att det kan bli ett dyrt alternativ!! om kamkedjan går är det oftast billigast att byta motor!!
och visst är det enkel kedja på TD5an?? (har inte skruvat på mina än) och då tycker jag man ska byta runt 20 000 mil!!
om man har tur så kan man hinna höra att den börjar skramla!! men skulle inte vilka satsa på det skälv iallafall!!
oljepumpen får nån som fixat uttala sig om!! 😉2021-02-20 kl. 22:16 #79863Hi Häkan,
I do all my own work, learning as I go, with the help of you guys and the internet. I have a plan to take the cam cover off and put an endoscope camera in and look for obvious damage to the chain tensioner and check the lose bolt if I can get to it. I am bit limited to how big the jobs are I can do, as I dont have a garage but use a friends, but for limited periods. But will order the bits I know it needs to be done.
All the Best Michael
2021-02-21 kl. 09:54 #79884I found this excellent guide to fixing the bolt issue. Next job coming up.
2021-02-21 kl. 20:05 #79907[quote quote=79863]Hi Häkan,
I do all my own work, learning as I go, with the help of you guys and the internet. I have a plan to take the cam cover off and put an endoscope camera in and look for obvious damage to the chain tensioner and check the lose bolt if I can get to it. I am bit limited to how big the jobs are I can do, as I dont have a garage but use a friends, but for limited periods. But will order the bits I know it needs to be done.
All the Best Michael[/quote]ja jag gör också allt skälv på mina bilar!! nu är jag väl inte helt renlärig!! har ju lite annat än Landrover också…
men Landrover är iallafall i majoritet!! tror det är 12 nu… och visst kan dom va speciella ibland!!
men i det stora hela så tycker jag ändå att dom är ganska tacksamma att skruva på i jämförelse med en del annat!!2021-02-23 kl. 20:24 #80016so I dropped the sump today and guess what. The oil pump bolt was lose and had no loctite. Close call…
- Det här svaret redigerades för 4 år sedan av .
2021-02-23 kl. 20:40 #80020då hade du bra timing!! grattis!!
2021-02-23 kl. 21:53 #80023[quote quote=80020]då hade du bra timing!! grattis!![/quote]
Thanks for the encouragement, it was at the edge of my mech skill set, but glad its done now : )
- Det här svaret redigerades för 4 år sedan av .
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