Looking for nice playground for a Discovery Sport

Forum INTERNATIONAL FORUM Looking for nice playground for a Discovery Sport

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  • Detta ämne har 8 svar, 1 deltagare, och uppdaterades senast 2014-11-23 23:06 av .
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  • #6179
    SLRK Forum

      [Originally posted by Gollum.net]


      I’m new on this forum. I live in France (Paris area) and plan to travel in Sweden and Norway in August 2015. My itinerary looks like this https://goo.gl/maps/fUx08. I’m waiting for a newly ordered Discovery Sport which I will use for this trip. I’m looking for nice legally open trails to avoid highways, between Malmoe and Stockholm, and from Stockholm to Lofoten : unpaved roads, gravel roads, log bridges, small river to cross, green lanes, etc. Could you advice for such trails? It could be fine if you can provide Google Earth tracks. :D

      As you know, Discovery Sport is not suitable for off-road, so I’m not looking for off-road spot.

      Thank you in advance.

      Kind regards.


      SLRK Forum

        [Originally posted by Gollum.net]

        Hello from France :smt006 ,

        No body can help me?

        I’m waiting for your helpful advices.

        Kind regards.


        SLRK Forum

          [Originally posted by Edfors]

          Welcome to SLRK :smt006

          And welcome to Sweden next summer! You will easily find small roads, just turn the GPS on shortest route and allow gravel roads and set it to avoid motorways. This will take you to nice small roads across the country.

          I recommend you to plan for the first weekend to be in the area of Västerås, there, or more rightly in the surroundings we will have our annual summer meeting, around 100 LR’s gathered for both green laning, off-road and other activities.

          Please keep this thread alive when the date is getting closer and I’m sure there will be much more ideas for you on here.

          SLRK Forum

            [Originally posted by hstd035]


            And its easyer if you write about where in sweden you are going to and when ? Becouse we are separated in diffrent distrikts and diffrent distrikt have diffrent meetings at diffrent times,

            So thats why its easy if you tell us about when and where so we can welcome a land rover friend propper :D

            SLRK Forum

              [Originally posted by Gollum.net]

              Hello Edfors and hstd035,

              Thank you for your responses,

              Here are my dates:

              – 25 and 26 of july 2015: travel from Copenhagen to Sockholm
              – 27 and 28 of july 2015: visit Stockholm
              – 29 to 31 of july 2015: travel from Stockholm to Lofoten Islands

              I think that it will be better to allow more time, but we haven’t enough holidays. :(

              So I hope that you will help me to make the most of our trip. :D

              Kind regards.


              SLRK Forum

                [Originally posted by Edfors]

                As, said, remind us later. Early June 2015 will be appropriate to update this thread and then we will know more exactly which areas there will be the right events for you to experience the Discovery Sport the best.

                The time frame you are planning for is extremely short and will not allow much time away from highways. But you can be assured we will do what we possibly can to get you to the right places and scenic routes.

                SLRK Forum

                  [Originally posted by Gollum.net]

                  Edfors skrev:As, said, remind us later. Early June 2015 will be appropriate to update this thread and then we will know more exactly which areas there will be the right events for you to experience the Discovery Sport the best.

                  The time frame you are planning for is extremely short and will not allow much time away from highways. But you can be assured we will do what we possibly can to get you to the right places and scenic routes.

                  Thanks Edfors,
                  I will not forget to wakeup my thread in June :D
                  Kind regards.

                  SLRK Forum

                    [Originally posted by tuko]

                    You say that you want to avoid highways up to Stockholm, well my suggestion is to use this page to plot a route: https://nvdb2012.trafikverket.se/SeTransportnatverket#

                    Enlarge the map to the point where it shows all the small roads in the country side. Follow the roads that are numbers with 3 numbers and even those with 4 numbers. Plot the trip with short journey’s from town to town using the smallest roads possible. Even those roads that do not have numbers. So if you plot a route that connects 2 small towns together, then you will be successful with your route.

                    To add to your above comment of avoiding highways to Stockholm, planning a trip taking the "off the beaten track" route, it will be time consuming which is not realistic with the time frame that you have. Therefore I would think that if you plotted a route between 2 points ie: Kristianstad to Kalmar or Växjö you will be able to satisfy your desires and still get to Stockholm in a reasonable time frame.

                    I did a route one time for SLRK from Mönsterås to Nybro which took about 3 hours to complete, where it normally takes 50 minutes on the highways.

                    Plot your route considering the time factor. Enjoy the country side that we have to offer, there is so much to enjoy and experience.


                    SLRK Forum

                      [Originally posted by Gollum.net]

                      tuko skrev:Gollum,
                      You say that you want to avoid highways up to Stockholm, well my suggestion is to use this page to plot a route: https://nvdb2012.trafikverket.se/SeTransportnatverket#

                      Enlarge the map to the point where it shows all the small roads in the country side. Follow the roads that are numbers with 3 numbers and even those with 4 numbers. Plot the trip with short journey’s from town to town using the smallest roads possible. Even those roads that do not have numbers. So if you plot a route that connects 2 small towns together, then you will be successful with your route.

                      To add to your above comment of avoiding highways to Stockholm, planning a trip taking the "off the beaten track" route, it will be time consuming which is not realistic with the time frame that you have. Therefore I would think that if you plotted a route between 2 points ie: Kristianstad to Kalmar or Växjö you will be able to satisfy your desires and still get to Stockholm in a reasonable time frame.

                      I did a route one time for SLRK from Mönsterås to Nybro which took about 3 hours to complete, where it normally takes 50 minutes on the highways.

                      Plot your route considering the time factor. Enjoy the country side that we have to offer, there is so much to enjoy and experience.


                      Hello Tuko,
                      Thank for your post.

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