Forum › INTERNATIONAL FORUM › importing a modified series land rover
- Detta ämne har 14 svar, 1 deltagare, och uppdaterades senast 2008-10-25 00:25 av .
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- 2008-09-24 kl. 11:37 #6611
[Originally posted by ior]
My wife wants to to move to sweden for work next year, and as a good husband I will move with her. We will move to the area around växjo or (which i prefer) lund.
We have a 1964 lwb series 2 dormobile station wagon (4 seats/beds), but it has a 300 tdi engine, but is standard otherwise.
it is (or will be as it’s beïng rebuild at the moment) in Belgium as a normal car, with is own pvg-number (aproval number) as there is no series 2 300 tdi build in ’64
but as it is a land rover engine, it is allowed to do so.
Is it posible to register this car in sweden, and what are the options?
Classic car? is there a km restriction?
how about insurance and anual taxes?I would say "hej da" and "tack so mucket", but can’t seem to find the special swedisch letters on my keyboard here
grtz, Danny,
Belgium2008-09-24 kl. 12:57 #6612[Originally posted by SprayPete]
It should be possible.
It might be different rules if you import your own car compared.
There are som issues with a rebuilt car that I do not know about in detail.
Have a quick look here for some more information: it is an old car you do not (most likely) pay any tax.
Insurance are fairly cheap. I think I pay about a 1000-1500 sek/year for my SIII-78.Kind regards
/Peter2008-09-24 kl. 16:09 #6613[Originally posted by Tord_Lj]
If the SBP-man (the one that will scrutiny your vehicle if you want to drive it on Swedish plates) would most certanly see that it is at least turbo fed, hence he will prompt for a paper from Land Rover certifying that the engine’s power is ok for the model.
I can tell you it will not be, it is just too strong. There is a rule, I think it says, +10-20% increase in power is ok but the 300TDi is too way much.Best thing is to have it registerd in UK, they get away with anything, and then drive it in on UK-plates. I’ve seen Lightweights with supersharged RR/Jag engines. It had a big revcounter too. The famous RR-Merlin engined was registerd road-leagal! Anyone remeber that one.
If your are Belgian it could work there as well.There is such a thing as temporary registration and I think it could work for a resident non-Swedish citizen, check it out. I do not think you have to scrutiny the vehicle, just show the registration papers from the country it is presently registerd.
But register it in Sweden with a 300TDi is pure luck if you get away with it. Buy a lottery ticket…
I myself and I are n the midst of getting a SIIa with a 3,5 Carb though the registration, it is from UK. Although it was register with 3500cc on the UK V5C papers I am in trouble. But, Stage One brakes and the 20% rule might just cut it. Pity the Stage One never was in SWB, that would have saved me a lot of trouble.
2008-09-24 kl. 17:49 #6614[Originally posted by ior]
I’ve got an letter from land rover which says, as it’s an land rover engine, it is ok for them. however, It does not say anything about the rest of the series beïng able to cope with the power. it does, brakes are spot on and chassis is (beïng) galvanised.
There was an 1966 109 stw model build for the american market with the 2.6 "weslake" engine. It had standard 123bhp, and is the most powerful standard land rover engine for a leaf sprung series land rover. Chassis numbers started with "343", but where bog standard otherwise. Is this an possibility to have the 111 bhp tdi registered in sweden?
Would it change anything if I swapped the front axle for a stage one?
What if I changed to disc brakes?I Can run it on belgian number plates, as the car is road legal and registered in Belgium. I have to register it on an belgium adress (my parents) and drive it to belgium for an anual car test (mot). It’s a posibility, but would rather have it registered on my name and not have got to drive to belgium each year.
an uk registration is only possible if you’ve got an uk adress (some say a post-office box is enough) and you drive it to the uk anualy for an mot. I can register it in Belgium just as wel.
2008-09-25 kl. 08:28 #6615[Originally posted by Johannes]
If the vehicle is roadworthy and registered in an other EU country and follows you as your own possession as you are migrating to another EU country registration is merely a paper work exercise (and monetary loss, of course, as there are fees to be paid). Having said that it will have to comply with the national rules in the chosen country of residence, so minor modifications may have to be performed prior to getting the new plates (e g use of bull bars is restricted in some countries).
The vehicle’s identity has to be confirmed, hence the need for a -visible- VIN on the chassis. If you have the vehicle with the new engine registered in your home country, you will get it registered here as well. EU rules!!!Cheers & Good Luck!
2008-09-30 kl. 19:37 #6616[Originally posted by Carlosbeldia]
Hi, my name is Carlos, I’m from Colombia and I wil be in your country next year. Now I have a S IIA 88′ (Santana) and a 110 TD5, completely stock both of them. Do you think it’s possible to export one of them to Sweden? I’ll be studying in Gothenburg during 2 years. After this, I’ll take a LR and will go to Africa as deep as the car can get or money let me, so I ’dreally like to take my Series there, since it doesn’t have electronics gizmos that can broke in Africa.
How much can cost a Series there in Sweden? a good one, wishing I have to work on it every weekend…
2008-10-04 kl. 11:46 #6617[Originally posted by ior]
I’ve asked vägverket about importing my series tdi into sweden, but the’re is some confusion about my aproval number.
In Belgium every car model has a unique pvg-number model aproval number), wich is the same for every -for example- defender td5, a defender 300 tdi will have another aproval number.
In belgium, this aproval number was introduced on 15 july 1967, so my 1964 series 2a never had this number. (it means no one can prove your 1960 car was never build with a 5.4 v8 or so, becouse there are no official records on what car had wich engine)
so my question: What is the swedisch name for this aproval number?
Thanks, Danny
in what year was this number introduced in Sweden?2008-10-04 kl. 12:17 #6618[Originally posted by #1725]
If I look at my old "Registreringsbevis" – "Registration ceritificate" I can only think of a term I never paid attention to: "Modellkod" – "Model code" In my case I had registration certificate for several cars
noted from a few of them….
One J**p Cherokee from 1990 that had the code JP0000
One A*di A4 TDi from 1998 that one had the code AU0000 but on the second page it also had a number "EEG-Typgodkännandenr": E1*93/81*0013*11 I don’t know if that is relevant at all.
My second Serie III had Model code LR0000 and that one was from 1972.…..I’m sure that the correct answer will arise shortly.
"Typgodkännandenummer" – "Type approval number"
Hope you get the correct information.
2008-10-13 kl. 23:00 #6619[Originally posted by RoverV8]
My wife wants me to move back to Sweden in the next couple years too – can I bring my 1975 Series III from the US assuming I pay registration tax? It is stock 2.25.
2008-10-14 kl. 05:09 #6620[Originally posted by Edfors]
Yes, have you owned the car for at least one year and are moving to Sweden, you can bring it to Swedish registration very easily.
Here’s information regarding import to Sweden
Some more information in Swedish
2008-10-22 kl. 14:10 #6621[Originally posted by ior]
Hej allihopa!
I Asked this question with vägverket, and recived the answer today.
I can import my modified land rover into sweden, but the engine change must be on the car’s papers. If the modifications are not writen on the car’s id, the car must meet the swedish regulations for the model year, in my case 1964. So I guess sweden will have an series 300tdi next year or so
@tord_LJ: pb sent
ps: I’ve just started an "kvälskurs svenska", but have got an question. I can type the swedish symbols ä and ö on this forum, but can’t write the a with the litle round thingy on top on this forum. how do you write this leter? In word i use ctrl + alt + @, but on the internet this combination doesn’t seem to work. I supp. the "round thingy a" is allready on your keybord?
2008-10-22 kl. 15:46 #6622[Originally posted by Edfors]
If your run Windows you have a program called "Character Map" you find it normally under Start menu, Accessories, System Tools. From this software you can type any character.
Another solution is to install a Swedish keyboard driver, but this will change location of many of your keys. The driver is included on your Windows installation files.
2008-10-22 kl. 17:34 #6623[Originally posted by LEIF #3183]
Also, it’s possible to use double a "aa" if you’re not able to write "å".
2008-10-22 kl. 17:50 #6624[Originally posted by Tord_Lj]
ior skrev:Hej allihopa!I Asked this question with vägverket, and recived the answer today.
I can import my modified land rover into sweden, but the engine change must be on the car’s papers. If the modifications are not writen on the car’s id, the car must meet the swedish regulations for the model year, in my case 1964. So I guess sweden will have an series 300tdi next year or so
@tord_LJ: pb sent
Did you tell them you had changed the engine to ; a modern = not age related and quite moore powerful?
Is the engine heavier then you have some moore problems I think.2008-10-25 kl. 00:25 #6625[Originally posted by tuko]
Is the engine heavier then you have some moore problems I think.A 2.25L engine weighs 204kg
the 300Tdi weighs in at 205kg.No problems
I live outside of Växjö and presently installing a 300Tdi (minus the turbo) in my series 3 hybrid. Bringing in a road legal vehicle from another EU land, you should be OK.Todd.
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