Forum › INTERNATIONAL FORUM › Coming to Sweden
- Detta ämne har 8 svar, 1 deltagare, och uppdaterades senast 2008-11-08 11:48 av .
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- 2008-10-24 kl. 17:28 #6602
[Originally posted by Carlosbeldia]
Hello, my name is Carlos, from Colombia. Next year I’ll be in Gothemburg for a master programme. After this is finished, I want to travel around Africa, and if time ($$$$) lets me, try to go by road to Rusia. Actually I have 2 Land Rover: a 1965 Santana Series IIA and a 2001 Defender 110 TD5. Do you think it’s possible to import one of these to your country? have in mind Colombia is a Third World country, so our rules for cars are really different from yours. How much can it cost there in Europe to buy a Series or Defender in mint condition for this type of travel?
2008-10-24 kl. 17:52 #6603[Originally posted by Edfors]
Read all the links from this thread and you find a lot of useful information requires a lot and correct paperwork to make the car Swedish. You may bring one car per person if you permanently to Sweden.
2008-10-24 kl. 19:24 #6604[Originally posted by #1784 Thomas]
It would most likely be more economical to buy a used Land Rover here.
If you use it with care and look after it, you will be able to get most of your money back when leaving.If you have spent a lot of time adding special equipment on your Land Rover to prepare it for travels and also like paperwork and dealing with authorities, then maybe it’s a good idea to try to bring one of your own Land Rovers.
It’s hard to give price estimates, but I guess if you sold your 2001 Defender 110 before leaving, you could buy a similar model here?
A 2001 110 seems to fetch around 100-140 kSEK here depending on condition, equipment etc.2008-11-04 kl. 16:16 #6605[Originally posted by Carlosbeldia]
Thanks a lot for your answers. Here my 110 can be sold by around SEK 250.000 – 280.000, so it’s really worth in money to buy there in Sweden. Where can I find used car internet prices? is there a good webpage where I can see the supply of these? what other expense I have to have in mind additional to the car cost?
2008-11-04 kl. 17:30 #6606[Originally posted by Edfors]
Used cars for sale, both private and car delarships you find at … e=&gb=&fu= and all delarship cars are at
2008-11-05 kl. 16:42 #6607[Originally posted by Carlosbeldia]
Thanks a lot for all your help, I will buy a used diesel Defender or Series in Swedden, they are really cheap. As an foreign student, can I be part of your club? how can I do? I don’t speak your language and translate tools are really funny to understand procedures in your forums.
I don’t have any previous experience driving on ice or snow, I suppose you have driving schools specialized on these terrains. How much can it cost? Sorry to bother with so many questions, but svenska is a really tough idiom for me (I’ll start my course next month).
2008-11-05 kl. 18:48 #6608[Originally posted by Edfors]
Of course you can be member of our club, just fill in the form at Medlemsansökan found on the main page
You will then receive an e-mail with payment instructions, with a code that you should mark your payment with. And transfer the money (amount specified in e-mail) to
IBAN :SE7080000814719030365911
BIC/SWIFT: SWEDSESSor contact and they will assist you via e-mail.
2008-11-07 kl. 15:11 #6609[Originally posted by Carlosbeldia]
I have just received e-mail notification, thanks a lot Edfors. I’ll arrange money international transfer next week.
2008-11-08 kl. 11:48 #6610[Originally posted by Grellber]
And regarding the snow and ice thing -Yes, when here, you can easily sign up for a few hour crash-cource on a driving range. No serious costs for this.
Welcome to the club
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