Bio Fuel Damage

  • Detta ämne har 13 svar, 5 deltagare, och uppdaterades senast 2021-02-27 15:24 av .
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  • #79776
    Michael Hands

      After recently having to replace my fuel pump due to clogging by a black jelly, I have done some research. I did not know that the B5 and B7 makes a big difference and that Bio fuels are well known to cause clogging of filters and lost of power, especially in the cold. See and photos attached.

      I guess your guys know this but it was news to me.

      • Detta ämne redigerades för 4 år sedan av .
      • Detta ämne redigerades för 4 år sedan av .
      Håkan Edberg

        ja jag kör alla mina bilar på ren blankdiesel… har funkat bra!! men tror HVO100 är nästan bättre!!

        Michael Hands

          Dear Håkan,

          Where can I get blankdiesel, the best I have found is B5 at a truck pump.

          Hilsen Michael

          • Det här svaret redigerades för 4 år sedan av .
          Håkan Edberg

            vet att en del köper blankdiesel på båtmack!! dom ska ha… men hur det funkar att tanka en bil på en båtmack har jag ingen aning om!!
            skälv så tankar jag på jobbet!! 🙂 vi kör bara blankdiesel i våra maskiner efter div. bränslerelaterade problem!!
            men finns fler företag som kör på sånt… problemet är väl att hitta dom!! kanske går via nåt oljebolag??
            för om du har egen tank så går det bra att beställa!! men skulle tro att du måste köpa minst 1000 liter!!
            och misstänker att du kanske inte vill köpa så mycket på en gång!? 😉

            HVO100 är nog lättare att hitta på mack!! men tyvärr så är väl den ganska dyr?? men har dålig koll på vad den kostar just nu…

            • Det här svaret redigerades för 4 år sedan av .

              Håkan, när du skriver blankdiesel, åsyftar du då B1, d.v.s. riktig diesel? Vi har ju annars vad jag hört, den sämsta soppan i europa, Vare sig det gäller bensin eller diesel. Tycker mig märka det när man tankar i ex.vis tyskland. Känns som om motorn får några extra kusar…..

              mvh. Ray.S. nr. 86.

              Håkan Edberg

                Hej Ray…
                Jo det är ”riktig” diesel jag menar!! Stämmer som du säger att den kan ge bättre effekt!!
                En av traktorhandlarna här i Östergötland fick mycket klagomål på att traktorerna han sålt var för svaga…
                Och när dom testade så stämde det…
                Men när dom provade med riktig diesel så hade dom rätt effekt!!
                Så kan nog kanske stämma…

                • Det här svaret redigerades för 4 år sedan av .
                • Det här svaret redigerades för 4 år sedan av .
                Michael Hands

                  Thanks for the advice, I haver stopped using B7 and tanked with B5, today I found B1, which I guess is even better.

                  Hilsen Michael

                  Georg Georgsson

                    Någon som vet vart man kan köpa B1 i Göteborgsområdet?

                    Peter Hansson

                      Hi Michael,

                      It’s a td5?

                      That black sludge is common in Td5 pumps due to the construction of the engine, especially when the injector seals are starting to leak.
                      i had a cusomter analyzing this many years ago as he thought it was an issue with the fuel from OKQ8 (this was in 2003-2004 something) and came back with carbon soot from combustion. Only ever seen this on Td5 engines. the other sludge you get from water and RME looks different.

                      So the issue is more likely to be the seals leaking a little compression and soot passed the injectors in to the fuel channel and eventually back to the tank where it accumulates and get stuck in the pump strainer.
                      If you clean it out you might be ok for a long time, but if you notice it comes back quickly it is time to replace the injecotrs. If ignored in the long run it will clogg up the strainer and damage the fuel pump. And in some cases there will be a lot of air in the fuel system and the engine will not start unless you bleed it repeatedly every time you start it 🙂

                      Peter Hansson
                        Michael Hands

                          not just me with this problem then…

                          Michael Hands

                            Hi Peter,

                            Yes a TD5, I had the cam cover off recently changing the injector loom. I could not see any leaks then, but I did have to change the fuel regulator which was leaking. I plan to change the fuel filter, again, and will cut it open to see what I can see. When I changed the fuel pump I cut an access hole through the floor so now at least I can remove the fuel pump in about 30 mins so plan to lift it to see if the sludge is back. The Defender really is a gift that keeps giving, always something new : )

                            Thanks for the sound advice, I would never have suspected the injectors.

                            All the Best Michael

                            [quote quote=79975]Hi Michael,
                            It’s a td5?
                            That black sludge is common in Td5 pumps due to the construction of the engine, especially when the injector seals are starting to leak. i had a cusomter analyzing this many years ago as he thought it was an issue with the fuel from OKQ8 (this was in 2003-2004 something) and came back with carbon soot from combustion. Only ever seen this on Td5 engines. the other sludge you get from water and RME looks different.
                            So the issue is more likely to be the seals leaking a little compression and soot passed the injectors in to the fuel channel and eventually back to the tank where it accumulates and get stuck in the pump strainer. If you clean it out you might be ok for a long time, but if you notice it comes back quickly it is time to replace the injecotrs. If ignored in the long run it will clogg up the strainer and damage the fuel pump. And in some cases there will be a lot of air in the fuel system and the engine will not start unless you bleed it repeatedly every time you start it ?[/quote]

                            Peter Hansson

                              Normally you would not see this unless removing the injectors, there is a drilled channel through the head where the injectors pick up fuel .
                              copper washer towards bottom and an oring sealing diesel from oil at the top of injector.

                              Michael Hands

                                Thanks for all the tips. I guess the first thing I can do is left the fuel pump out and check if its clogging. So happy I cut the access hole in the back to get to the fuel pump…

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